"I know a good team when I see it. The professionals at Gateway Financial have given us unprecedented access to the information we need, with total transparency and an unbiased approach to advice that has allowed us to protect our family’s future for generations to come."
- Art Rooney II, President, Pittsburgh Steelers
"When it comes to planning for your future, there is no more important quality to find in an advisor than trust. Gateway Financial has earned my trust through the course of a long-term relationship by delivering great results. Their professionalism and expertise helped simplify and de-risk my insurance portfolio in alignment with my legacy planning. For my entire career, nothing meant more than being able to show concrete results and Gateway delivers on that front, ensuring my family’s long-term multi-generational success."
- Jim Rohr, Former CEO, PNC Private Bank
“I can’t think of a more reputable organization than Gateway Financial nor a more dedicated community leader. Gateway Financial has made a commitment to embrace diversity and strikes the perfect balance of fiscal stewardship, planning, and social responsibility. Insurance benefits play a pivotal role in the attraction and retention of top talent and business succession planning and we are incredibly lucky to have Gateway’s innovative solution and inclusive leadership right here in Pittsburgh.”
- Sabrina Saunders, President and CEO of Vibrant Pittsburgh
"Gateway Financial understands the unique challenges – and opportunities – of a serial investor and entrepreneur. At DNS Capital, we value people and relationships first and the Gateway Financial professionals have created an environment of confidence and transparency that has guided us to create a plan for success that will help preserve the future of our multi-generational family."
- Michael Pucker, President & CEO, DNS Capital
"Having worked with Gateway Financial, I appreciate why PNC has chosen to partner with them. I truly understand my insurance portfolio and I know I can depend on Gateway to continue to deliver unwavering commitment and extraordinary service. Gateway has been a great partner to me, employing an unbiased approach and delivering results that will guarantee a solid future for many generations of my family."
- Karen Larrimer, Head of Retail Banking and Chief Customer Officer, PNC Private Bank